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pre-sale is closed, but no worries!




————— RITUAL —————

18.00 - 21.30
DJ SET by e/tape

21.30 - 23.00
LIVE CINEMA by Vincent Moon
LIVE MUSIC by Daniela Huerta

Vincent Moon is an independent French filmmaker and sound explorer. For the past twenty years, he travelled the world in quest of sounds, capturing traditional as well as modern forms of music expressions, building up an archive that reunites uncountable moments of sounds of humanity.
During his performances Vincent accesses his collection of video materials by selecting and live-editing - mixing, superimposing and altering images and sounds, creating new meanings and connections, researching for links and parallels between ancient and new forms of ceremonies.

For his show at gART.n he joins forces with Daniela Huerta, Mexican multimedia artist and sound designer based in Berlin. She has developed her own multi-layered and eclectic form of DJ-ing under the moniker Baby Vulture.
With mythology at the core, she explores modes of storytelling that shift between the real and the imaginary in an attempt to understand the realm of the psyche. She composes hyperrealistic sound-spheres, emotive and immersive sonic explorations by combining field recordings, sound archives, deconstructed rhythms and live sampling.

While the daylight fades away, guests will be accompanied towards the main act by the music selection of e/tape, also sound researcher, explorer and experimenter, consciously and delicately bringing close together traditional and contemporary sounds attributable to planet Earth (and beyond).



Rooms of Kairos curates a program that pairs visual and music artists into old and new collaborations, for the creation of three original pieces.
Here, cinematic image and live sound affect each other throughout the whole duration of the performance, in intertwined improvisation.
The focus is not only directed on an artistic performance finding its expression in the present moment but on the ‘here and now’ of the cultural encounter, embraced by the environment of the gART.n - all connected into the matter of the very event.

Each of the three commissioned experimentations is going to refer to one distinctive aspect of the cultural gathering.
The first show (28 July), focusing on the RITUAL, sees the participation of videographer Vincent Moon and electronic musician Daniela Huerta (aka Baby Vulture), whose research and live performances explore the connection between ancient and modern forms of ceremonies. On the second appointment (12 August), Cosimo Miorelli accompanies us into a digital live painting NARRATION, slowly developing his storytelling on the sound of Marchissio’s soundscapes. The last event of the series (26 August), calls for the INTERACTION of the public, directly involved in the creation of the piece - here Elle and the collective conspire with guests and with the band Center for Mind and Brain for a surprising transmutation of the cultural happening itself into AI-generated images and video.

Letizia Trussi
Unternehmen verifiziert


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A-Live ° RITUAL fand bereits am 28.07.2022 statt.

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